“They”一词在不同的语境中具有多种含义,其含义取决于特定情况。1. 代称
最常见的使用情况是作为第三人称复数代词,指代一群或多人。例如:The children are playing in the park. They are having fun.
The students worked hard for their exams. They all passed.
2. 不特定代词
“They”也可用于不确定的或未知的人或事物。例如:They say that life is short. (他们说人生苦短。)
They discovered a new planet. (他们发现了新行星。)
3. 性别中性代词
近年来,“they”越来越被用作性别中性代词,指代特定性别未知或不相关的人。例如:The student asked the teacher for help. They were struggling with the assignment.
The doctor examined the patient. They diagnosed the illness and prescribed medication.
4. 主格代词
“They”也可作为主格代词,指代一个或多个主语。例如:They are going to the store.
They love to read books.
5. 目标代词
“They”也可作为目标代词,指代一个或多个接收动作的人或对象。例如:I gave them the book.
He told them the news.
6. 属格代词
“They”也可作为属格代词,表示归属关系。例如:This is their house.
The car is theirs.
7. 反身代词
“They”也可用于强调主语,作为反身代词。例如:They injured themselves while playing basketball.
The students taught themselves English.
8. 人称代词
在某些情况下,“they”可用作人称代词,表示说话者或听众。例如:Let's go for a walk. They are waiting for us.
How are they? (您好吗?)
虽然“they”是一个有用的代词,但在使用时也存在一些潜在的问题。1. 语法不一致
与“he”或“she”等单数代词不同,“they”是复数形式,因此需要与复数形式的动词和代词一致。例如:They are going to the store. (正确)
They is going to the store. (错误)
2. 歧义
当使用“they”指代不特定的人或事物时,可能会产生歧义。例如:They say that life is short. Who is "they"? (他们指的是谁?)
3. 冒犯性
在某些情况下,使用“they”指代一个特定的个体可能会被视为冒犯性,尤其是在该个体的性别已知或明确的情况下。例如:John is a doctor. They are very skilled. (错误。应该使用“he”。)